Friday, April 24, 2015

Finding & Following Your Freedom

Finding Freedom

Freedom can mean something different for everyone. When I went house boating, all of Lake Koocanusa was ours for the week. There were no alarms. We woke up whenever the sun told us to and slept when we were tired. There were no coffee breaks or lunch hours. We ate when our stomachs got cranky and maintained a not-so-delicate balance between hydrated and exceptionally buzzed. There were no dress codes. In fact, shirts and shoes were optional, maybe even discouraged. It was during this week that I gained a glimpse of what freedom might look like to me and it felt really good.

Feeling Freedom

If you've ever become so overwhelmed with joy that you can't help but smile, or laugh, or cry, or pinch yourself, then you've felt freedom. If you wake up every morning and can't imagine being anywhere else, with anyone else and doing anything else, then you're living a life of freedom. If you're caught somewhere between, then ask yourself why?

Following Freedom

Imagine what your life might look and feel like if you were free to choose your reality, without any restrictions. Imagine choosing your office, following your passion, making massive impact and living out an extraordinary life. Why? Because you can. Rather than tallying up my vacation days, I've chosen to build a life that I don't need a holiday from. My friend Journey is such a beautiful inspiration, mentor and example of what life can look like if you truly act on your power to choose. To hear her story, click on the image below.

With love,



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