Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016: Find What Feels Good

What if rather than asking yourself, 'What do I want to accomplish', you first answered, 'How do I want to Feel?'

Over the years, I set goals that sounded good on paper, but they didn't necessarily drive me, scare me, stir me, or align with my greater purpose.

So, because I did't feel connected to my goals, I wasn't as committed, I wasn't as successful, I wasn't as happy as I knew I could be. Even after achieving success, there was often a void that remained, an emptiness.

I never truly understood why my accomplishments left me feeling unsatisfied, why I always felt the need to strive for more, more, more, until I received this message.

Thank you Peta Kelly for speaking right to my soul!

"Abundant. Ease. Inspired. Grateful. Jazzed up. Accomplished. Spacious. Unaffected. Joyful. Efficient. Organized. productive. Compassionate. Light-hearted. Free.

Do any of these sound good to you? 

I learned something a little while ago, that changed the goal setting game for me. For so long i has been setting soul-less goals that were made up, or coming from a place of 'this sounds good.' Can you relate?

I realized that although my goals sounded good, and were leading me to 'success', money, and ticks off my list, I wasn't feeling accomplished. I wasn't feeling full. I wasn't feeling free.

Why? Because although my goals were great, they weren't always resulting in me feeling HOW I WANTED TO MOST FEEL. Sometimes, achieving my goals would mean I had more obligations in areas I didnt want them. Sometimes, achieving my goals would mean I spent rarely any time at home. That didnt feel good to me.

What I realized was, my goals weren't always helping me achieve the most important goal of all- FEELING THE WAY I WANT TO FEEL.

Did you know that? Your #1 goal is ALWAYS to feel good?

Did you know that the only way to feel good, is to know what that looks like to you?

Duh, freddy. But we still do SO many thinks that DO NOT make us feel good. And set goals that don't make us feel good.

Before you set your goals for 2016, spend the time to hang out with some powerful words.

Write down ALL of the feelings you most love to feel. Write down ALL of the feelings you most want to feel in 2016.

And then, narrow it down to just a few. Stick them everywhere. Have them as our screen saver.

If your goals don't allow you to feel these core desired feelings, then they're not your goals.

Here's where it gets most exciting. If you have trouble saying NO, your core desired feelings will say no for you. Only do things that support your core desired feelings.

Why do we make it so dam hard? why do we do so much that we don't wanna do?

FEEL your way to your goals in this order:
1) How do I want to feel
2) What goals and habits will support me feeling this way more often?

Voila! More feeling good."

Wishing you all the best in 2016. Happy New Year!


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