Sunday, October 18, 2009

our love is magical!

Sean Kingston makes my heart feel warm & I'm sure his hefty body would too, hot damn! On a side note, boys are so depressing and more importantly they fuck with your mind 24/7.. annoying? YES. I seem to be cursed with speaking my mind when I'm intoxicated, oh the joyful times. Unfortunately my memory fails me after a long night and I'm stuck asking everyone else what was said and done. Maybe that's a sign that I drink too much? But you're only young once, so I guess it's understandable at this point. No one is stopping me from doing things my way and I like it. I wonder what it would be like to be that kid that doesn't leave their bedroom until they're twenty? It's pretty sweet having freedom, i must admit. Good thing I'm not that loser kid any more that despised anything rebellious, what a bore. Ladeedaa, Lauren is in a beautiful mood, the fresh air smells amazing and the lighting is perfect for photography so maybe I'll get inspired and get out there!

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