Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mean Girls

I don't think I'm going to ever fully understand what runs through girls minds at my age. Seems like the only people I can trust are my parents and the only people I allow myself to be around are people I trust. If you're following, yes, I do hang out with my parents regularly. Obviously, this isn't the ideal situation for a 18 year old (IN TWO DAYS) girl but it seems to be the only way I can avoid the high school he said she said crapola. Just food for thought but why can't we all forgot about he and she for a minute and worry about I. The good old-take a look in the mirror approach. Now if in front of you is the PERFECT, and I mean perfect, person than sure you go right ahead and ridicule all you'd like, not that that is going to do any good for any one. But, chances are you're staring yourself down thinking "as if". Now that that is all cleared up, lets all take a chill pill and mind our own business. Wouldn't that just be the bee's knees. :)

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