Monday, August 22, 2011

Mixed Emotions

I'm feeling good this morning, but last night, being the first night spent away from my family, was a hard one. Slowly, people have been escaping back to their every day lives, and despite how much I dreaded coming back to my own, yesterday it was my turn. I left my mom and sister at home around quarter to eight. It had been the first time I had driven on my own since Casey's accident and it was a surprisingly difficult task. My mind was so foggy the whole drive home; it felt as if I was in a dream and lacked control. I experienced a roller coaster of emotions and my eyes were often swelled up with tears. I'm sure I wasn't in the safest state of mind to be controlling a vehicle, but we' ve all got to start some where and try to move on. Although my emotions were blubbering out of me at this point, I kept on going and finally reached highway two.

Things got a little more difficult from here on. As I was driving in the right hand lane a white car approaches my left. A young girl, around my age, is driving this car and to my dismay she is racing by without an eye on the road. Of course, she was staring down at her cell phone screen. Before all of this, I wouldn't have second guessed the situation or gave a double look, but now it honestly ties my stomach in knots to see people texting while driving. My heart started to race and for a split second I even considered side swiping this idiot just as a wake up call. In reality this wold have done nothing except cause another accident and probably harm both of us, but I truly wanted to get that girls attention and give her a piece of my mind. Now, as if Casey's accident wasn't all I was thinking about in the first place, it was all I could feel. Every stop light, every highway, every school zone, there's a driver who decides that they can operate a vehicle with their eyes closed, risk free. Maybe it's time people open their eyes.


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