Why is this a better bag?
How about: Why are the contents of this bag better!
I finally broke down and visited Planet Organic Market today and as soon as I walked in I felt right at home. This place is amazing! It has everything that you could ever need and I can already tell that my bank account isn't going to appreciate our blooming relationship. However, I am here to tell you that price tags shouldn't matter as much as we've been programmed to think.
The question many people struggle with is whether they should spend on quality or quantity? Should we be getting more bang for our buck? Are natural, organic products an overpriced fad for the privileged? It all depends on your perspective. When it comes to purchasing the items that we see as valuable, we prioritize our spending to make sure that we can have these things. Have you ever spent $100 on a concert ticket? On a night out at the bar? On a trip to Sephora? When you stop to think about it, we spend our money on crazy things and in most cases these things don't last very long.
I would rather buy and use products that benefit my health, even if they appear more costly than what most of us are used to. Why? Because investing in my wellbeing is a lot more beneficial than a night out at the bar, that comes and goes in a quick blur. Don't get me wrong, I love to let loose and get lost in the bottle every once and while, but it's not something I do every weekend. My wallet can't handle it and neither can my body. If I can benefit my health, than I am going to sacrifice a few things here and there to do so!
When you buy high quality, natural products, whether it be food, cosmetics, etc. there are no hidden costs. Have you ever found a deal that seemed too good to be true? Well it's probably because it was. Always trust your intuition! It's almost eery to think about how things must be made, for them to be sold at such low prices. When you buy your meal off of the dollar menu, just remember that you get what you pay for. Some of these hidden costs that I am referring to include health and environmental harm. Do you really want to be eating a pound of meat that only cost you $2.50? And ladies, do we really need to plaster toxic chemicals all over our faces in the name of beauty? I think the answer is no!
I've included some photos of my Planet Organic "hull" and a bit of information as to why I chose these items. It's worth taking a peak, maybe you'll learn something new!
Omega Nutrition Virgin Coconut Oil: I am obsessed with coconut oil, I literally use it on and in everything. As my cousin said, "coconut oil is the Windex of our generation." I could't agree more. Unfortunately the brand that I am most fond of was not sold at Planet Organic, so after much debate I went with the oil seen above. The only listed ingredient is Organic Pure Virgin Unrefined Coconut Oil, but it smells and tastes a lot stronger than what I am used to. Oh well, here's to trusting the brand!
GEODEO Natural Deodorant with Detox Complex: The problem with regular deodorant is that most of them are filled with aluminum and this can be particularly dangerous for women. Studies have claimed that the aluminum absorbs into the skin and can lead to cancerous changes or interfere with the estrogen hormone. Does this sound like a recipe for breast cancer to anyone else? This idea is more of an assumption than a proven fact at this point, but better safe then sorry! In the past I had tried Tom's natural deodorant and it just didn't do it for me. The deodorant viewed above is free of aluminums, suflates, paragons, petrochemicals, dyes, phthalates. It does however have the mysterious Parfum on the ingredients list, but I'll take Parfum over aluminium in this case!
Nuts to You Nut Butter Inc. Peanut Butter: I apologize for the French label, but perhaps I have some bilingual readers? There's not much I can say about peanut butter, it is pretty self explanatory. This producer in particular is Canadian and has been kicking around since 1989. I'm sure they have many more years to come. Peanut Butter will never get old!
Vitamin Code Raw One for Women: A twist on your classic multivitamin! This vitamin is RAW, gluten-free, dairy-free and contains no binders and no fillers. It is sourced straight from whole foods and aims to provide women's nutritional needs in many areas (breast health, reproductive system, bone strength, RAW energy, healthy heart, healthy skin). Choosing a raw vitamin over a synthetic vitamin, means that your body is more likely to absorb the nutrients provided.I hope that in reading this post you have learned something new and valuable. Take care of yourselves!
even better for deodorant.. the crystal.