Sunday, June 12, 2011

That's Just Mint.

For some reason I always have the best talks in my bedroom, after a couple of ounces of rum, or a cup of wine. I need to stop using alcohol as such a crutch, that could become a problem I'm sure. But that is besides my point, which is that I love having an evening in with a great friend and just talk, really talk. I feel like I don't do it enough. I'm too busy pushing everyone away and trying to be okay by myself. I'm such a strong believer in making yourself happy and damn, do I ever do a good job. Such a good job in fact, that I think I forget how to be that social butterfly. I'm always in constant dialectics. I want to be independent, but I want to feel needed. Not only do I want to feel needed, but I want to have that option, that person I can turn to at any point in time and have a shoulder ready for me. I don't want that person to be a boy, but I already have amazing girl friends, so maybe I do? But, if I were to have that person, they couldn't just be an option, because I would never want to be an option and I couldn't do that to someone else. See my problem? I just have a never ending confusing mess of tensions. It's alright though, I may never figure it out, but it will always work itself out. You don't know what's going to happen next, you can't know. You can predict, and plan, and hope for anything, but let's be serious here. You don't really know what God has planned for your life. So, stop worrying and start taking advantage of just living.


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