Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Tribute

I was asked to speak on behalf of Casey's kids during his memorial service yesterday and I'm so happy I was able to find the courage to stand in front of all of his loved ones and share words from my heart...

"My name is Lauren McMurray and I’m here to say a few words on behalf of Casey’s kids.

I can’t even begin to explain the influence Casey had on all of us.

Personally, Casey came into my life in grade ten, when I was a young, confused, teenage girl, who let my emotions get the best of me. Cassandra was like the big sister of the team that year; she always displayed the same heart and determination as her Dad and encouraged all of the rookies. Coach Casey was the most memorable coach of them all. Whether it was his crazy outfit choices, animated coaching from the side lines, or memorable cheers, Casey never failed to break the silence and leave a lasting impression for all the fans to take home. Corrinna and I also played together for a few years, and we never forgot about the time she punched a girl right in the stomach. From then on everyone’s known not to mess with her and it only got worse once she started playing rugby. Even the boys are scared of her. Mackenzie and Madison came to many tournaments and games as well, and Casey never forgot to remind me to stay away from his little boy. That could have been because of the time I stole a button with Mack’s face on it out of his truck on the way to a tournament and wore it around all weekend. He never got that button back.

As I mentioned, I’m a pretty emotional girl, so all my frustrations from the court usually resulted in tears. Casey couldn’t stand to see anyone upset, so he always went out of his way to talk me through my minor, but huge problems for a fifteen year old. Practice became my therapy. I would storm into the gym stomping my feet over one thing or another and always leave with a smile on my face thanks to Casey and his positive perspective and humbling words. He strived to make others happy, even complete strangers.

Every time we would roll up to a drive through window Casey would make sure to ask the worker “Hi, how are you? How is your day going?” and sure enough we’d get to the pick-up window with a smiling, friendly worker ready to serve us. He would then go to pay and smash his debit card into the window a few times, as if he forgot to roll it down. We’d always drive away laughing and Casey would say “We made that guy’s day!” and I’m sure it was true.

That’s all he wanted, creating moments that people could look back on and smile over was Casey’s goal and he achieved it on the daily.

Aside from being the happiest, most outgoing, and unique person I have ever been lucky enough to know, Casey had many sides and he touched more hearts than any of us can count. A dedicated coach, friend, fiancé, and father. These are the few sides that I was lucky enough to see, but I know that Casey played many other roles and was important to many other people.

We’ll all miss the little things, your goofy smile, your tacky jokes, the way you’d get excited to show us the latest on youtube, the spontaneous trips to Wal-Mart, or the movies, dressed in the most ridiculous outfits. We’ll miss all of your good, and not so good music, the useless facts on absolutely everything, and most importantly we’ll miss your presence and your passion for life.

You lived your life wonderfully. We’re so proud of you, inspired, thankful, and hopeful. You changed our lives, encouraged us at all times, always believed in us, even when we didn’t believe in ourselves and you made my Mom happier than I’ve ever seen her. No one could stop you from doing what you desired. Nothing could embarrass you. You’ve taught us that it truly doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. As long as you are laughing along the way and have memories and stories worth telling, you know you’re living your life right.

Casey’s memories and stories never end and they never will. He helped us all become the best people we can. He was an amazing father who cooked, cleaned, worked, attempted the handy man jobs, and didn’t even make the kids do the dishes. We’ll take everything we’ve learnt and be an example of all he stood for, because we want to have the same affect he had on us, on others. He will live on, through the ones he loved and the ones who loved him.

Casey’s kids are extremely special and I love them all very much, I’ve been blessed with a whole new branch to my family tree and I thank Casey for that.

Missing you and loving you forever."

We've gotten through week one and I'm sure it will only get easier as time passes. I'm so blessed to have such an amazing support system and love every single individual who has been there for myself and my family. Through this entire tragedy there has also been so much good that has surfaced. The family is more tightly knit than ever before and I hear the words "I love you" numerous times through out the day. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing family.

Nothing can stop us from laughing and smiling. We're going to be okay guys. <3


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