Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tomorrow Brings Another Beginning

The first day on the new job begins in approximately nine hours. I truly was aiming to get a solid eight of beauty sleep tonight, but for some reason it's just not looking promising. Am I excited? Nervous? Or just not ready to say good bye to September 22nd just yet? Maybe if I let my finger tips type out my thoughts and attempt a bit of a release my mind and body can rest once and for all. Here it goes. 

I feel as though I have complete control of my future right now, which is excellent. My emotions are in tact and so are all of my responsibilities and obligations. School is going well, although I was disappointed to learn that I didn't ace my first quiz. Four for five is nothing to complain about, but I want to do all I can to raise my GPA this year. I want to be successful and I'm slowly learning that every decision you make plays a part in the big picture. By no means am I going to give up living my life, and by that I mean I won't quit having my fun, but at the same time I need to cut the crap. All of the crap, whether that be people, habits, or temptations. 

On an additional note, I am trying fairly hard to connect with some of the girls in my program. I figure that if I am going to spend four consistent years with a small group of people, who have the same goal as me, it couldn't hurt to try and make friends. Thus far it hasn't been easy. Who knew that so many college students were actually extremely intelligent, responsible, put together, innocent, and structured? I probably chose to tackle the two most morally driven individuals in my program and in their eyes I'm sure I am viewed as the devils spawn or something along those lines. We parallel one another, to say the least. I'm not asking for party animals, but lets be honest here - I am no saint. Eventually I'm sure I will find my place at RDC. At least I know where I don't belong. There are plenty of avenues left to explore; plenty of fish in the sea. As for right now, my task is to bond with my pillow for a few hours.

Sweet dreams,


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