Friday, November 4, 2011


Kloot - Proof

Yesterday I attended a presentation that a class mate and a friend put on @ the college. I won't get into great detail, because I understand that no one likes to read paragraphs upon paragraphs about much these days. I will say it got me thinking though. 

If it weren't for those little wake up calls of encouragement and inspiration that I come across I'm sure I'd be one of those many people who just get stuck in that rut called life. It's not all about experiencing the night life and forgetting your name, but it's also not all about hiding behind text books and a laptop day after day. The best thing that a young person can do is find a balance between the two. Make time for your academics, career, family, social ties, and most importantly make time for yourself. Too often have I lost myself for not dedicating enough time for personal growth and understanding. It's vital and there's no arguing that one.

Also, I'm terrible for beating myself up over the small things and it's about time I kick that habit to the curb! Receiving a shitty mark on a test, eating too many sweets in a day/not enough dry boring healthy food, being the single chick, these are just a few of the things that run through my mind every day. I mean after thinking about it, there are endless positives to all of those things. If I don't get the best mark in the class, it doesn't mean that I didn't try my hardest to achieve the mark I received. If I can manage to maintain a healthy weight, why not eat the shit out of everything while I can? As for being single, I remind myself every day that single life is thee life. Obviously, I am able to see the positive light, but that doesn't mean that at times the darkness doesn't try to conquer.

The things that a person should learn to appreciate are the variables that they have control over. The small stuff like being able to wrap up in a blanket on the couch and watch Gossip Girl on a Friday evening, while sipping hot blueberry tea on a cold snowy day. I didn't just waste my Friday doing any of those things... Kidding, that's definitely how I spent my Friday night. It was perfect.

I'm happy, which makes me happy, duh? It's a vicious cycle.

Sweet dreams,


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