Thursday, December 8, 2011

10 Things

A list of ten things that I find inspiring, fascinating, beautiful, or plainly bring the utmost joy to my heart. 
      1. Art - this includes all forms. Painting, photography, image manipulation, drawing, music, sketching, graphic, sculpting, acting, framing, scrap-booking, window displays, sewing, colouring, etc,etc,etc! I could honestly go on forever on the importance of art in my life. My day begins and ends with creativity. It keeps things interesting, exciting, fresh, and unpredictable. "There's nothing worse than being ordinary."
      2. Chocolate - as much as I hate to admit this one, I have been experiencing major withdrawals these past few days and the Christmas season brings endless amounts of deliciousness into my office. Sue me. I'm a single girl, and for good reason!
      3. Family - time and time again my family surprises me with their strength, wisdom, entertainment and love. Nothing tops family and if you don't hold true to that statement, I feel sorry for you. 
      4. Christmas Movies - what better time to embrace the Christmas Spirit than now, am I right? Let's be honest, I've been a Christmas fan for as long as I can remember and films are one of those things that will always set the mood, bring people together, and act as a fair excuse to eat pop-corn. Who doesn't enjoy a good movie night.
      5. Cuddles - I won't even elaborate on this, because it's bull shit that every girl desires.
      6. Puppies - some people would also throw kittens and babies in with this category, but not me. There is just something about Man's Best Friend that nothing else can beat.
      7. Sweatpants - again, is an explanation even required?
      8. Cottage Cheese - #singlegirlproblems 
      9. Health - I'm so driven to clean my body, through a balanced diet, exercising, stretching, and sleeping adequate amounts! Why not right? We only live once.
      10. Me - I'm very happy with myself and that is absolutely the most important component of joy to embrace. When it's all said and done, all you have is the person starting back at you in the mirror. 

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