Thursday, January 5, 2012

Year2 Term2


I am so excited that school is starting back up again; can you tell? Over the Winter Break I made a ton of useful realizations. Epiphany after Epiphany! Firstly, I understand the importance of priorities more than ever. Family is meant to come first for a reason. Friends may seem like family in the best of situations, but the fact of the matter is your blood will always love, protect, and support you for whom ever you are! I also have COMPLETELY cleaned out my closet, both literally and figuratively. I've swept out three big blue bins of, well crap really, from my possessions. After completing this task, I began to think a lot about the people who I need to move on from and give less cares about. The way I've been thinking about it is - "Weeding Life's Garden". I may not have a green thumb, but I'm kick ass at taking the reins of my own life. I feel so fresh for the New Year. To make matters even better, I am organized in almost every aspect. No I have not purchased any text books, or spoken to my boss about not quitting, but taking a leave perhaps, but I've been looking into Universities for next year, scheduling my days efficiently, and making time for my family and friends. 2012, you're so exciting!

Warm regards,


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