Wednesday, February 15, 2012

College, Wine, Strippers, Drink.

There's me ^ jk
I am finally nearing the end of this torturous midterm spell. I mean close enough to the end that I've simply decided that pulling at my memory strings any further will only fizzle my brain.

So here is the plan:

In an hour I'm going to walk through that classroom door, slam down my pen and get shit done! Well, that'll happen after taking off my coat, hanging my purse on the back of my chair, forgetting that I need a pen out of my purse, which will lead to me unzipping and rehanging it, discretely (but not discretely in any way) patting at my warm skin, filling up my water bottle and then staring at myself in the bathroom mirror for a few seconds, appauled at how intense my speed walking makes me look and then...yes, shit will get done!

Aside from my pre-class ritual, I'm really not as high maintenence as it sounds. This class just happens to start a short 30 minutes after my shift at work ends, so by the time I arrive I'm late, sweaty, and wind blown and those three things are what get the boys. Write that down.

Speaking of boys, or lack there of, yesterday being Valentines day I had a classic women's date at Moxies and played things up with red wine. Needless to say, there was no shortage of laughter or innapropriate behaviour. How I have missed red wine. Oh lord.

In honor of Vday 2011, we reminisced on the double fisting that took place last year, as well as the eventful (& romantic) trip to the peelers that followed. The glory days. Now we're just lame adults who skip the strippers and actually eat dinner with our drinks?

Life was much more simple when my goals were drink, drank, drunk. Reading week, I expect great things out of you. Great, irresponsible things (after a long nap). Here's to us - I'll drink to that.


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