Sunday, February 12, 2012

Don't worry, although it may not look it - I am alive. 1:00pm on a Sunday and I have moved a total of 3 times, maybe. I've been captured by my blankets, bed head, and books and have no way to escape! The question as to where I have been lately has been frequent and I'm not sure whether to be flattered or appalled at the fact that everyone is noticing that my social networking addiction is on hiatus. Come on friends, I know I'm not going to get a friendly face on the door step, but my cell phone does still work! There has been good reason for my lack of online attendance though!

Slowly but surely I am saying good bye to my reliance on technology. Facebook and I parted ways a couple of weeks ago and I'm glad to say I've missed absolutely NOTHING important since that day. That's right, it is possible to learn about the mundane updates about your 700 friends in other ways, because I know this stuff is vital. We always get caught up in the "I don't know what I'd do without my blank". Well I am here to tell you that you lived without your smart phone, tablet, ereader, and GPS before they were invented and you will live on once they're gone.

I'm pleased to announce that my last midterm is only 3 days away and I've got some kick ass plans under-way for Valentines day! I finally completed White Oleander by Janet Fitch, don't quote me on the spelling of the authors last name, and I can't wait to find the time to watch the film!

That's my latest goal by the way, to always read the novels which movies are based on before actually watching the film and perceiving the story ALL wrong. I'm sure Harry Potter and Twilight would have been all the rage in my head had I actually taken the time to explore the pop culture. In no way am I saying that you should conform to the fads, but I love nothing more than sitting down with a bowl of popcorn and watching a good flick, and it just so happens that our world is terribly unoriginal and the greatest films of today are based on best selling novels! Any ways, that small tangent was just my feed into the reason why the next book I've started is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and following that will be the Hunger Games. I've got a lot of reading to catch up on!

Well I suppose I've wasted enough time filling you all in. An episode of True Blood awaits me and my stomach is demanding I give it some attention, so consider this good bye for now! Now you know where I've been.


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