Friday, February 3, 2012

Commit to Fit

HELLO, are you ecstatic? Because I am!

My first deep toxic cleanse has come to and end, after a surprisingly simple eleven days. I'm proud to announce that I've left 5lbs behind, along with 10.63 inches! Needless to say I'm so happy I went through with it and invested my time, effort, and let's be I can't remember the last time I've felt better!

Today I ran 2k completely without effort in 13.24 minutes. I've obviously still got some work to do as far as my speed. With that time it breaks my k's up to  6.62 minutes each. I hope to work towards 5 minutes per kilometre within the next month. Hopefully by actually saying my goals out loud, or typing them for everyone to see, I will stick with it. I know I will.

As far as my schooling goes, I am still excelling and pleasantly surprising myself. If I've learned anything in these past couple of months, it is never underestimate your abilities. Flashing back to Winter break even, I never would have seen myself where I am today. January has been a great month and a month without resolutions at that. 

I've never been one to stick to the unrealistic goals people make every January. Deciding to do things just because a new year is beginning isn't going to keep you motivated to follow through with whatever plans you create. You need to do things for you and only you. So this year, I suppose my resolution was to not make a resolution, but to change my life style so that it fits the person I want to evolve into.

My generation is reckless, careless and shameless and although that lifestyle can be fun it is also really damaging to our bodies, relationships, memory, finances and general health. Personally, the last few times I've "partied" it had felt same old, same old, and I am the kind of person who seeks out excitement and adventure. My path appears unrelateable to many my age, but as I said I do things for me and no one else. I'm thrilled that I am gaining so much knowledge and clarity. I crave sweat, achey muscles, and A's

On top of it all, I'm really breaking through at the office and slowly exposing a lot of creativity that has been warming on the back burner. Things are exciting and I feel that I'm brining a lot of modernity to the board. Just enough responsibility.

Life is so incredible and I'm happy to be one of the few who realizes it.


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