Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to Beat Contagion

Fall is amazing in so many ways, but the one dreaded part about this beautiful season has to do with the insane amount of germs that decide to infest our bodies! No matter what I do I never seem to be able to escape the sore throat, stuffy nose symptoms. Thanks University.

Of course the one time I ride the train, the sickest person alive just so happens to be on it. I blame  you sir! It's called cough control! Luckily, I have a top secret, all natural, affordable remedy for nipping these energy draining symptoms in the butt and getting back to a happy, healthy you! 

4-Steps to Your Immune Systems Success:

Step 1: Oil of Oregano
First thing's first, if you don't have oil of oregano you are seriously missing out! As soon as  you start to feel less than fabulous, pour a few drops of this oil down your throat and brace yourself for what comes next. If you're use to those "fruit" flavoured syrups like Buckley's, you ain't seen nothing yet! Now I could link you to a whole shwack of studies that explain the health benefits of oil of oregano, or I could tell you in plain English. Put simply, oregano oil is a natural immune system booster, which is exactly what you need during cold/flu season. If you're new to essential oils, two brands that I would recommend purchasing are Young Living or dōTERRA. Six drops a day and you should be well on your way to recovery.

Step 2: Tea
To chase away those shivers and keep your body hydrated, steep your favourite flavour and sip, sip, sip all day long. Today I chose midsummer night's dream from David's Tea. With a fruity flavour and a hint of mint, this loose tea has a mix of apple pieces, spearmint, gooseberries, marigold blossoms, safflowers, and rose petals. Who wouldn't feel better after tasting this?

Step 3: Warm Fuzzies
Although we all wish that the summer heat could just once win the fight against Jack Frost, the sad truth is the crisp air and cool wind are settling in. It's time to break out those chunky scarfs, knitted boots, and warm coats! No one likes a tough guy. If you don't want to be a victim of the plague, put on that coat and stay bundled.

Step 4: Keep Active
You know how they say the best way to cure a hangover is to sweat it out? Well why not treat your cold the same way? I understand your energy levels may not be up to par, but  if you're feeling foggy go for a quick walk, practice some yoga, just get moving. Be mindful and let your body guide you. All I am saying is you'll be surprised what the release of endorphins can do for your seemingly gloomy sick days.

That's it, that's all. Good luck out there, and may the odds be ever in your favour. 


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