Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ideas worth sharing

Friends, family and followers, I am back! 

If I had a nickel for every time I typed those words I would have at least 5 nickels. It really is unbelievable how many times I allow myself to drown in the waves of life and forget about my poor, lonely blog. Luckily, I always come crawling back like a lost puppy! Whenever I find myself inspired to jump back into blogging and really put my creativity out there again, I quickly skim through my past posts for a few reasons...

The first reason being that I want to make sure that I haven't exposed anything too utterly shameful or embarrassing in one of my diaryesque posts that always seem to creep into my public blogs. I'm going to be honest here, writing with a physical pen is not my thing, so every now and then my emotions just run through my keyboard and end up on the Internet for all of the world to see. I know you can't help but judge me for my vulnerability, but I can't control it! I swear. There's nothing worse than reflecting on your former self and the only reaction that you can come up with is, "really!?" For the record, I haven't ran into any of those posts just yet, so you're safe to scroll through and take a read if you want to learn about the various chapters of my life. Just don't read through too many, I haven't gotten that far in my review. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, which most of the time it doesn't, I do recall writing an extremely bitter and most likely offensive blog on marriage back in my moody teenager days. So as I said, don't trace back too far. Tread lightly!

This leads me to my second, more nostalgic, reasoning for throwin' it back. As I mentioned, this blog really is a personal, creative portrayal of myself through the years, and all jokes aside I enjoy having my thoughts and moments documented. Even if these posts may have seemed like nothing at the time I wrote them, they now serve as a personal archive or timeline.

Not all of us are able to see how we change and grow over the years. Every individual evolves;  I don't care what anyone says, people can and do change. We each make leaps and bounds in our lives, but when we look at ourselves in the mirror everyday it becomes so easy to overlook the progress we make, inside and out. When you actually take the time to reflect on your past experiences, you adopt a greater sense of gratitude for everything that has made you the person you are today. Unless of course you're not proud of the person you are. In that case you may just become angry and bitter at your past, but let's assume this isn't the case. Let's try and stay in a happy place. I could go on forever about my appreciation for my past, but instead I will just leave you to ponder about your own.

The real reason I decided to jump back on the blog-wagon is because I know that I have ideas worth sharing! I'm excited about the things I am doing in my everyday life. The lifestyle I've adopted has really opened my eyes to many things. I now have the answers to all of the big questions concerning happiness, health, and world peace! Okay it might not be that simple, but I still think that I can be pretty damn smart and interesting. So stick around. I promise not to waste your precious time with pointless blabbing about my day to day life and the things I love. Keep in mind, that statement is a complete lie.

Until next time,


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