Sunday, February 23, 2014

I'm Seeing Gold

What were you doing at 5:00am this morning? If you are Canadian,  I would guess you were up and glued to the olympic gold medal game. Or if you are like myself and "not Canadian" as my Dad so lovingly called me, you only lasted the first half hour before passing out again. I'm sorry, I tried! I think next time I have to watch anything at that ungodly hour I will have to leave the comfort of my home (and pillow) and join everyone in the pubs. 

But let's not get ahead of ourselves! I want to back track to last night and give huge props to Jesse and Aaron for feeding Jeff and I an unbelievable dinner. I wish that cooking skills ran in the family...shucks.  After filling our bellies we were en route! It was a chilly walk in heels, but we made it to the Roughnecks game in one piece. I must say that I love going to these games. I'm not a die hard sports fan by any means, but there are few things better than a loud and exciting atmosphere filled with beer, food & friends. For those of us who aren't necessarily there to study the game, lacrosse is a great sport to watch. The music never stops, the crowd never quiets, and the action is infinite! I had a great time. I am left wanting more!

After the game Jeff and I headed back home for an evening of Mad Men and ice cream. Our sleep was short and 4:00am rolled around much too soon, but nothing can get between my hockey crazed boyfriend and his sport. As mentioned I may have dozed off and missed all the action, but I need my beauty sleep. A big congratulations to Canada for showing the world that hockey is our sport!

As much as I hate to say it, the olympics aren't the only thing that came to a close today. Reading week is also dwindling away, as is my final semester. I'm not sure what to say, except c'est la vie! I hope that all my hard work over the last four years will show by this time next year. Say a little prayer! 


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