Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's really starting to hit me,
just one more day and the Rasians (-1) will be taking on BC together!
Being the keener's we are, Alanna and I had a skype date this evening to plan everything we need to buy for our house boat trip. I never really realized how big of a control freak I was until this trip date began creeping up on me. Boys should never be in charge of plans when girls are available to do it for them. So far my list consists of...
• 1 Dozen eggs
• Bananas
• Strawberries
• Blueberries
• Blackberries
• Grapes
• Ice
• 4 tomatoes
• Block of cheese
• Potato Salad
• Cucumber
• Lemon

I'm so excited, or at least I think I am, and if I'm not...I will be soon.

I was also lucky enough to skype Dad tonight, Tmac in the house! We chatted about decks, work, family, and of course the fact that he is going to hire a nanny from the Philippines to come live with them. Seriously? I thought that nanny's were for the high class and those who "roll in the dough". Could Dad be either of those? Respect to Philippino's though, you crazy hard workers impress me! Leaving family isn't an easy chore. Believe me, I know.


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